A Joy Filled Life Online Course

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A Joy Filled Life Online Course


Learning to Live Beyond Your Circumstances

Many women live a life that’s up and down, swayed back and forth by the tide of their emotions. Some days we’re up and some days we’re down. This rollercoaster diminishes our effectiveness and influence with our family, our friends, our jobs, our clients and even our relationship with God.

That’s not the life God intended us to live. He has actually given us everything we need to live a life full of joy regardless of what our current circumstances dictate. In this 4 session course, we’ll delve into how we can live the joy-filled life God intends for us so that we can experience life and business to its fullest.

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What is A Joy-Filled Life Course?

Have you ever been going along, enjoying the day and then something happens and the whole day is “ruined”? Does it ever seem like you’re on an emotional roller coaster, full of twists and turns that leaves your stomach in knots?

Sometimes life just feels like it dropped kicked us to the ground. Life can be challenging at times, full of uncertainty, emotional turmoil, and relational stresses. That’s not the life God meant for us and He’s given us the solution.

In Living a Joy-Filled Life 4-week course, discover the life you were meant to enjoy even when negative circumstances around you are screaming in your ear the reverse. I’m going to share with you the secret to a joy-filled life that enjoys vibrant health, satisfying relationships, and lasting fulfillment.

So, whether you’re at a high point in your life, a low point, or somewhere in-between, you will walk away with practical tools to savor the amazing joy-filled life God has called us to.

What’s Included:

A Joy-Filled Life Online Course will take you through 4 video sessions taught by Heather Bunch. Each session will include a downloadable fill in the blank handouts.

Session Descriptions:

Session 1: Choose Your Thoughts

As humans, we all want to live a life of joy. God wants joy for us. He’s created us for it. We’ve all experienced something (or a lot of somethings) that have stolen that happiness we used to experience as a child. In session 1, find out how choosing your thoughts can help you experience more joy regardless of your circumstances.

Session 2: Watch Out for Negative Thoughts

We have an average of 50,000 thoughts a day and no thoughts are neutral. They’re either serving you or taking away from you. Find out in session 2 how you can watch out for the thoughts that rob you of your joy.

Session 3: Take Charge of Your Emotions

Day-in and day-out our emotions are telling us things. They’re reacting to the inputs around them. Somedays we feel up and some days we feel down. But, can we always trust what we feel? Are emotions always accurate? Learn how you can take charge of your emotions in session 3.

Session 4: Fuel Your Thougths

A body needs fuel so it can create energy to move and function properly. The better the food the better the fuel it provides to our bodies. Just like with our bodies, our thoughts need the right fuel to fuel our joy. In session 4, discover three “foods” that will fuel your joy-filled life to the max.