Can I go to God about everything? Or, can I only pray about things He cares about?
/Photo by Olivia Snow on Unsplash
Are you anxious right now? Are you worrying about something or lots of “somethings”?
Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to be worried and anxious. In fact, He’s instructed on how we can handle that anxiety or worry.
Philippians 4:6 Amplified Bible (AMP)
6 Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.
When we’re worried about our kids, when we’re anxious about that bill we don’t have enough money to pay, when we’re panicking that it’s not working that way it should, we’re to take it to God first - no matter what the situation.
Philippians 4:6 says in everything. Everything here in the Greek means: Everything. 😉
In every circumstance and situation, we’re to approach our Heavenly Father with prayer and petition (specific request) with thanksgiving.
We know that right. But, do we always do that?
I know many times I’ve neglected to go to my Heavenly Father with my specific requests first.
We go to our friends for advice, Facebook or WebMD.
Many times, we try and work it out on our own first and then when it doesn’t work and we’re at our wits end then we come to God for help.
Let’s start today making a habit to go to our Heavenly Father first with EVERYTHING, every circumstance and situation.
Next time, we’re going to get a little deeper into how we can pray, but for now, just start coming to our Father each and every time something comes up that’s bothering you and talk to Him about it.
Most of us have not made it a habit to come to our Father with everything…is there anything that’s stopping you?
I used to think I haven’t done enough to deserve to come to Him with everything. Thank you Lord that I’m wrong about that. It’s not about how good I am, but about how good Jesus is!
Philippians 4:6-8 AMP
Tools for Living by Greg and Sharon Fletcher
You can find their blog at
Grace Revolution by Joseph Prince
(this book really helped me learn to rest in my Heavenly Father's arms instead of being overwhelmed with all the things I needed to do for Him)
Grace Revolution Companion Study Guide
(I enjoyed having this study guide while going through the above book. It asked me questions and helped me think through things I may not have on my own.)