How Do You Know What You’re Worth?
/Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
Do you know what you’re worth? Are you secure in who you are?
Are we worth something only if we accomplish great things? What if we live a simple life? Are we still worth something?
If you have lots of money, does the make you secure in your worth? What if your broke right now? Are you worth any less?
Have you ever found yourself doing something that you hoped would make you feel like you matter, but found it just left you empty?
I've struggled with living a performance based life most all of my adult years and definitely the majority of my teenage years. Comparing myself to others has been my weakness. "I'm not as good as… I could never do what so and so does… What I'm good at isn't as important as what they do…," and the list goes on and on.
When I was 20 my self-worth was so low I married someone because they liked me and I didn't feel gifted enough to make it on my own. At the time, I thought I couldn’t do better even though I knew in my heart he wasn’t the best match for me. It didn’t end well and he chose to leave after five years–for the same reason I felt we weren't a great match in the first place.
It was heart breaking. But, not in the way you would think.
That’s when I was finally open to hear God tell me that I married my first husband because I believed I wasn't good enough to be loved.
“There are many ways in which people try to make themselves feel important and show that they matter, but all such efforts have one thing in common: They look to the individual for self-worth...believing that you determine your own worth actually has the effect of making you more insecure!”- Kong Hee
It's funny how the very thing we want, knowing we're worth something, becomes unattainable when we look to ourselves to make it happen. But, when we look to our Heavenly Father for our self-worth, because He loves us unconditionally, we can realize our worth is priceless.
I learned through that experience that I was worth more than I thought.
My Heavenly Father started the process of teaching me my true value that’s in Him. I found out I’m the daughter of the King of kings. A true princess of His kingdom.
Galatians 3:26 NLT
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
As a child of God, that makes us a princesses!
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Are you looking for your worth in your self and come up short? Are you trying to find it in other’s and only find rejection?
Isaiah 43:4
Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you.
We are precious in our Father's eyes and He loves us!
YOU are PRECIOUS in your Father’s eyes and He LOVES YOU!! We're the apple of His eye–just as we are.
Worth is defined as what someone is willing to pay for something.
Our Heavenly Father paid for us with the life of His son Jesus!
And, Jesus even had a choice in the matter too…
Hebrews 12:2b NKJV
…who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
It was the joy in front of Him that kept Him going when He knew what He was doing was more than any man had endured, not just physically, but being separated from the Father and taking on the sins of the world, defeating, death, hell and the grave. But, He kept the end in mine.
What was the joy set before Him that kept Him going? It was YOU!
Our worth isn’t about what we’ve accomplished or haven’t accomplished. It’s not how much we have or don’t have. It’s not about who we know or what we wear. It’s not about who our family is and whether we had a good childhood or a bad one.
Our worth is found in Jesus Christ!
Remember, you are loved. You are precious in His sight. You are worth the life of Jesus Christ God’s son!
Have you struggled to know your worth? What helps you understand how much you’re truly worth?
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