Podcast Episode 099 - How to practice the presence of God – meditation

Podcast Episode 099 - How to practice the presence of God – meditation

Do you desire to grow closer to God?

Have you ever found yourself overreacting to situations?

Does your mind go a million miles a minute?

We’re concluding our series on practicing the presence of God with meditation.

Today is for you:

  • If you want to grow closer to God.

  • If you need a way to slow down your overthinking mind.

  • If you want to turn your over-reacting into godly responding.

“Prayer is talking to God.

Meditation is listening to God.”

– Jackie Trottmann.

You’re consciously contacting your Heavenly Father when you meditate.

Your brain is like a muscle, and it gets used to doing whatever we allow it to. Meditation helps you train your brain to slow down and focus.

If your brain is used to you, allowing it to think about anything and everything, that’s what it will continue to do.

If you practice corralling your mind with meditation, your mind will learn to focus and quiet itself.

Here are three kinds of meditation you can try.

Music Only

You can play soft music and meditate on God.

Bible Verse or Phrase 

You can pick a verse or phrase that means something to you. Pick something you can say by heart, so you’re not having to keep looking up to read it.

The Power in the Now practice I gave you in episode #97 is a version of this type of meditation where we used 

“Be still and know that I am God” as our basis of focus.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is where someone guides you on your journey as you’re meditating. This is my favorite kind because I need help practicing corralling my mind and not falling asleep…LOL.

Meditation will help you realize God’s presence and that He’s always with you.

It helps you focus your thoughts and learn to respond instead of reacting.

Now, if your mind starts to wonder–and it will–just lovingly bring it back. Apply grace all over this process, my friend!!

If you want some beautiful Christian guided meditation, check out my friend Jackie Trottmann’s collection:

Click here, and the link will take you right to all Jeckie’s guided meditations.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!