Podcast Episode 158 - How to remove the invisible fence in your mind


Podcast Episode 158 - How to remove the invisible fence in your mind


Do you struggle to push past the fear to reach your goals?

Do you feel like you're stuck, or is life today the same as ten years ago?

Have you stopped pursuing changing or growing yourself because of medical, physical or emotional challenges from your past?

We’re talking about the invisible fence in our mind that says….you can't; who do you think you are? You don't have what it takes…

Today is for you if…

  • If you desire a greater life of significance than you're living now.

  • If you're open to seeing the limitations you may have placed on yourself that are holding you back.

  • If you're ready to stop making excuses to change because of your past challenges.

We've been looking at invisible dog fences for Yoshi, our one-year-old 112-pound Goldendoodle. 

If you’re not familiar with an invisible fence it’s where you put a boundary of wire underground around your yard. Then the dog has a special collar that vibrates or beeps at them when they get close to the invisible fence line. 

Over time, it trains the dog to stay away from the fence line.  

I've seen dogs that are so well-trained that they don't even need the electronic collar anymore. They just stay in the boundaries.

We all have challenges throughout our lives: 

  • Mean words said over us

  • Rejections

  • Hurts

  • Abuse

  • Medical, Physical or Emotional challenges

These challenges train us to stop trying, not move forward or not pursue our dreams if we allow them. 

They become an invisible fence in our mind that says….you can't; who do you think you are? You don't have what it takes…

But here's the kicker; we have to admit to ourselves…

When we say, "I can't;" we're really saying, "I won't."

"Courage is not an occasional act, but a trait of choice and will."

– Brendon Burchard, High-Performance Habits.

Changing how we believe about ourselves and what we're capable of is a choice.

Not allowing the challenges to stop us and courageously stepping out into our purpose is a choice.

It's us saying, "I can and I will." 

So-crates says…LOL…sorry makes me think of Bill and Ted.

"The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."


We have to focus on creating new habits to change the old ones.

1. Choose a new habit

I decided on December 31st I wanted to lose 10 pounds. Ten pounds I've already lost before but put back on over a couple of years of not being mindful of my portion sizes.

So what do you want to change? What do you want to stop saying I won’t to and start saying I can to?

Research says you must have the following two components to create a new habit.

2. Know your will

Your “will” gives you the power to change. 

It's really, "why the heck do you want to make this change to begin with?"

Why do I want to lose ten pounds? 

  • I get to go to a VIP masterclass in the spring and do a branding photo shoot. 

  • I want to be my right weight in those immortalized photos.

  • I also feel better, and my clothes fit right and comfortably.

3. Know your way

This is the way!

You have to break down how you'll incorporate this new habit. What are the steps you’ll take?

For me, I'm tracking all my food on Lose It app. I lost 40 pounds several years ago doing that.

When I track my food, I'm more conscious about what, how much and when I put food in my mouth.

4. It's all about tiny changes

I love how in Lose It tells me my streak when I click the button "I've logged everything for the day."

Jerry Seinfeld writes at least a joke a day. He tracks it on a calendar. "Never break the chain" is the mantra that keeps him going.

I love seeing the streak!

Celebrate my progress and consistency.

Even when I get on the scale, and it doesn't budge or worse, it goes up. I remind myself…just keep the streak. 

When I'm consistent, that scale always gives in, and those numbers start moving in the right direction again.

FYI, I have a 24-day streak and have lost 6 pounds already!!

Which reminds me…

5. Celebrate progress along the way

It's not about perfection but about progress.

Celebrate yourself.

Celebrate the tiny wins.

Celebrate any forward movement…even if it's one step forward and two steps back. 

This works for any area of change.

I would love for you to share your wins with me! Like any progress! Please email me your wins (aka progress…any forward movement) at heather@heatherlbunch.com. Let's celebrate YOU together!!

You've got this, and Father's got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!


There are lots more tips on creating change and implementing habits. 

*Atomic Habits by James Clear is best one I've read on habits.  https://amzn.to/3DgoYEF

Need a place to help you keep moving forward toward your dreams? 

Do you need a place where others help pick you up when you fall and celebrate with you when you have wins?

Courageous Club is a safe place to stop hiding, show up fully yourself and fulfill your God-given purpose. Check out all the details at Courageous.club.

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