Podcast Episode 172 - Personal Growth - Power of Thoughts


Podcast Episode 172 - Personal Growth - Power of Thoughts


What do you think about most often?

Where do your thoughts go when you struggle to believe the best about yourself? Negative or positive?

Are your thoughts serving you or dragging you down?

Welcome to part 2 of the personal growth series. Yesterday we learned the power of our beliefs, and they literally have the power to change our destiny. I gave you the steps to change your beliefs. Next, we’ll learn we have more power than just changing our beliefs. We can change our thoughts too.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of life feeling like a rollercoaster. One minute you’re having fun, and the next, you’re in a crazy corkscrew hollering, “Get me off this crazy thing called life!”

  • If you dream of enjoying your life instead of tolerating it.

  • If you’re ready to discover your power to change your destiny.

“Your beliefs become 

Your thoughts.

Your thoughts become

Your words.

Your words become

Your actions.

Your actions become

Your habits.

Your habits become

Your values.

Your values become

Your destiny.”

–Mahatma Gandhi

Our beliefs don’t just change our destiny; it starts by affecting our thoughts. 

Our beliefs BECOME our thoughts.

I used to believe I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, etc.…

And because I believed that, that’s where my thoughts migrated constantly.

We Think > We Feel > We Choose

Our thoughts are powerful! 

Our thought creates or our thoughts destroy.

There are no neutral thoughts.

And we average 25K thoughts per day. Many of which are repeats from yesterday. That can be good or bad depending on the thoughts we’re choosing.

“I become what I think about most of the time.” – Earl Nightingale.

We must direct our thoughts…our imaginations to work for us instead of against us if we’re going to fulfill the destiny Father’s laid out for us. 

And you’ll enjoy life more while you’re on the road.

Choose Your Thoughts

Philippians 4:8 NIV

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

The Amplified version of the Bible says, “…think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].

Why does Paul tell us what we should be thinking?

Why should we be fixing our minds on what’s lovely, excellent and praiseworthy? 

Because our thoughts are POWERFUL.

God won’t make us exercise the power of our thoughts, just as He won’t make us exercise physically.

Proactively choose what you’re going to think about. 

  • Our lives are made up of patterns. 

  • You know a lot of the crappy circumstances that come up. 

  • So look back and find the patterns. 

  • Then decide what you want to think about instead when the crap hits the fan.

Watch Out for Negative Thoughts

Remember, thoughts are powerful, and there are no neutral thoughts. They’re either positive or negative. They’re either serving you or not. 

We become what we think about the most.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

Once you realize your negative thoughts, go back to Choose Your Thoughts and proactively pick new thoughts that will create the results you want.

Feed Your Thoughts

The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts. – Earl Nightingale

Have you ever been to a potluck?

The quality of the food varies from fantastic, good, descent, questionable, and I’m not touching that jello whatever with a 10-foot pole.

Life is like a potluck. We get to choose what we want to consume. 

And like at a potluck, the quality can vary from excellent, good, or not too bad; what the heck am I watching? And They can put that on TV?! I miss the 80s…LOL. 

If we want a great life, we must feed our thoughts great stuff.

What are you consuming?

  • Shows

  • Podcasts

  • Books

  • Websites

Who are you hanging out with?

  • Friends

  • Social media 

These will affect the quality of your thoughts. 

And remember…

We Think > We Feel > We Choose

So what we think will directly affect how we feel, say, and act, so…

  • Choose Your Thoughts

  • Watch Out for Negative Thoughts

  • Feed Your Thoughts

Next episode, we’ll dive into the power of our words!

If you have a friend who needs a thought upgrade or is struggling, please share this series of podcasts with them. You’re helping them discover the power God gave them to live a better life.

Thanks a bunch for listening!

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!