Podcast Episode 321 - The Courageous Quest Part 2: The Call to Adventure


Podcast Episode 321 - The Courageous Quest Part 2: The Call to Adventure

Show Notes


In this episode, Heather Bunch discusses the Courageous Quest, which is the success path for the hero's journey. In this episode, we break down the first stage - awareness stage: the call to adventure. It’s time to discover or rediscover your dreams, identify barriers and potential blocks, and uncovering hidden treasures––aka your gifts. She provides practical tips and exercises for you to journal and reflect on your dreams, obstacles, and talents.


courageous quest, hero's journey, awareness stage, growth stage, action stage, learning stage, mastery stage, expansion stage, dreams, barriers, hidden treasures


The courageous quest is the success path for the hero's journey.

The different stages of the journey include awareness, growth, action, learning, mastery, and expansion.

It is important to define and rediscover your dreams.

Identify barriers and potential blocks that may be holding you back.

Uncover hidden treasures and tap into your unique gifts and talents.

Journaling and reflecting on your dreams, obstacles, and talents can help you on your journey.

Sound Bites

"The courageous quest is the success path for our hero's journey."

"If a dream just stays a dream, it's just a dream. We have to take action on our dream."

"You have got to define your dreams. You must be clear on where you want to go."


00:00 Introduction and Overview

05:14 Defining and Rediscovering Your Dreams

08:57 Identifying and Overcoming Barriers

12:37 Uncovering Hidden Talents and Potential

14:12 Using the Five Levels of Why to Dig Deeper

20:12 Sharing Your Dreams and Obstacles for Support

22:57 Closer Heather Bunch.mp4

Action Time

Journal to identify one hidden dream and one major obstacle, and one gift/talent

Share it with a friend or accountability partner.

Links Mentioned:

Want the 6 Qs to Uncover Your Courageous Zone worksheet? Email me, Heather at hello@heatherbunch.com and I’ll get that out to you lickity-split.