Where's My Murphy's Repellant? Living The Life We We're Meant To Live Part 2

So, when I said “next week” we’ll be talking about how to walk in the promises of God, apparently “next week” means three weeks. Lol…It’s like when you hear a “fort night” and you keep asking yourself, “what does that mean?” Life happens and I missed some writing time. Sorry for the neglect! ☺️

Last time, we talked about how it’s God’s will for us to be joyful! His desire for us is to live a life full of joy. Unfortunately, this joyful decision has been conditioned out of most people. Have we been allowing ourselves to be trained by everyone else's behavior?

We also learned that, “joy is an outward sign of inward faith in the promises of God.” (Tommy Newberry– The 4:8 Principle) and that joy is not an emotional phantom floating in and out of our lives. We can choose to be joyful because joy is not based on our circumstances.

Well, if that’s the case, how do we go about walking out this joy filled life – this walk of faith in God’s promises? How do we change our marriages, relationships, or feelings of hopelessness? How do we tell Murphy's Law to take a hike? How do you walk by faith?

Believe Him

I know it can hard to believe past our circumstance to believe for something better, believe for the promises of God in His Word. 

How can you believe past what you see? 

Well first, I’d like to submit to you that there is so much more beyond our five senses.

People long ago didn’t know that atoms existed. Plato said the smallest building blocks of all matter were divided into fire, air, earth and water. Makes me think of that band Earth, Wind and Fire…wait, I think I’m dating myself here. But then atoms were discovered. For a long time they were thought to be the smallest things in the universe.

I thought electrons, neutrons and protons were the smallest thing. Have you heard about quarks? Scientists are now saying quarks are the smallest thing and not only that, they are a 1,000 times smaller than the nucleus of an atom! I’m sure it won’t stop there either.

Why I am I bringing up all this scientific stuff when we’re talking about living by faith? Well, have you ever seen an atom? Have you seen a quark? I know I haven’t. They’re way too small for the naked eye to see. 

So,  just as there are things in the universe that we can’t see, feel, taste, or touch, but they still exist, there are somethings beyond what our five senses can experience. Faith or believing is one of those things.

Faith or believing is trusting. When you believe someone’s word, you trust what they say is true.

When we believe God’s Word is true over our circumstance and over what we see, we are saying we trust that what God said is true even if we can’t see it with our naked eye at the moment.

Do you struggle with believing? I know I do sometimes. I’ve discovered that the more I get to know someone and see that they are trustworthy, the more I can believe and trust them and what they say. It’s the same way with our Father God.

The more that we know Him and see He is trustworthy, the more we trust.

How do we get to know Him? 

Through His Word, the Bible, and through spending time with Him by talking to Him. You can call it prayer, but it’s more than just talking a few minutes in the morning before your day gets going to “pray” and viola, you know Him. 

When you were getting to know your husband (or a best friend), did you spend a few minutes together each day and were instantly close? More than likely you spent lots of time with them daily (or at least hours each week). Maybe it wasn’t hours at a time, but a little here and there all day. 

Well, it works the same way with getting to know Jesus. Talk to Him through out the day. Involve Him in all the moments of your live. He’s right there anyway, ready to hang out with you. 

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 NKJV

Jesus calls us His friends! Let’s spend time with Him through out the day like a good friend does. As we do that, we come to know Him and that builds that belief in Him, that trust in Him, and that what He told us in His Word is true.

Speak It

The second thing to walking a life of faith in the promises of God is to speak it. Speak God’s promise out of your own mouth. 

“Who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” Romans 4:17

“God spoke forth what He wanted to see. He wanted to see light and He said, “‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good” (Gen. 1: 3– 4). God saw good after He spoke it” (Grace Revolution by Joseph Prince)

“The righteousness of faith speaks.” Romans 10: 6

We need to start speaking what we want to see in our lives. This is a key to living a life full of joy and walking in the promises that Jesus, Himself, paid for on the cross. It’s also the way we tell Murphy were he can go.

Now, I’m not say, you want a million dollars, so speak that out and it’s going to come to pass. What I am saying, is that Jesus paid for so many things when He died on the cross for us, but if we don’t begin speaking out and thanking God for those blessings, we won’t really experience them like He wants us to.

I shared a very personal example of speaking out God’s promises in this blog post, “The day I heard, ‘I can’t find a heartbeat.’” This is the story of being pregnant with our son after previously having two miscarriages. I shared how I walked through this difficult pregnancy, walking out daily (sometime hourly) speaking God’s promises–speaking out what I wanted to see before I saw it. Please check it out when you have a moment. 

Believing and Speaking–they go hand in hand. They are keys to walking in the joy God has called us to live in. It’s how we get past our circumstances. It’s how we can kick good ole’ Murphy to the curb. It’s how we can stop living a life conditioned by those around us and start living the life Jesus paid for us to live. 



Where do you want to grow the most? Believing or Speaking? What step are you going to grow in that area?