The Busy Woman's Stress Free Guide To Getting It all Done – Step Two – Goals

Photo by Tim Graf on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Graf on Unsplash

In my last post, we talked about creating a life plan so we can determine our priorities in life. Remember it’s our priorities that give us our blueprint so we can navigate life in a meaningful way and accomplish what we were called to do. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

Now that we know our priorities and where we want to go, how do we actually get there? What’s the next step? 



Goals are really baby steps to get keep you on the path so you end up where you planned for your life to go.

Proverbs 16:3 AMP

Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him],
And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].

Create Goals (or baby steps)

Here is where I want you to write down the small steps that will get you to where you want to go.

The easiest way I’ve found to do this is taking the 10 life accounts from creating your life plan and use them to create either quarterly or annual goals.

Remember to keep your bigger picture in mind while you create these goals.

Let’s take a physical goal as an example. Maybe your life plan says that you want to be in the best shape of your life. You want to live a healthy lifestyle that will allow you to fulfill the call of God on your life with sustainable energy. Maybe you just want to feel good again. 

Well, how are you going to get there? Those are your goals. Again, there the path that are going to get you to where you want to go.

In November of 2016, my wedding ring stopped fitting. It was my breaking point. I need to make a lasting change in my health so I could have the health and energy I need to live a long and full life so I can fulfill God’s plan for me. 

What was stopping me? Well, food. Food was stopping me. For me and my family food is social. It’s what we do when we get together. We even plan our vacations around where are we going to eat. Thanksgiving at my parents house is like an olympic event. We start at 12pm with the biggest appetizer spread you can imagine continuing on through a full and glorious dinner at 5 or 6pm and finish it off with a selection of at least three scrumptious, homemade pies. 

Food for me was linked in my mind with family–it’s about relationship. So, I needed to change my thinking to line up with my life plan. 


Remember baby steps. So, I started with two tiny goals. 

1. Track what I’m eating

I used the Lose It app to track what I ate each day. I didn’t even adjust what I ate at this point. I just wanted to make it a habit. It was very revealing however. I discovered my coffee I made contained 100 calories. And I drank at least three a day!

2. Exercise 5 minutes a day three times per week.

I know that doesn’t sound like much, but my goal her was to create consistency. My life plan says I want to live a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle is all about consistency.

I’ve excised before, but I’ve never in my life been consistent for more than a few months. So, I would get on the treadmill 3 days a week for only 5 minutes and once I hit my 5–success!!! I could do more, but I knew that once I did 5 minutes I had a win!

I did these two goals–these tiny baby steps– for about 3 or 4 weeks. Then I created two new small goals. 

3. Set my Lose It App to lose 1/2 pound per week with a goal of 10 pounds. 

Was that my ultimate goal. Not really, but I personally would be happy with that as it would bring me back to the weight I’ve been for the last decade.

4. Exercise 3-4 days per week for 15 minutes for the next three months.

At this point I was all aerobic. No weights. I needed a base, a good foundation since it had been way too long since I had done any physical activity consistently.

I know it doesn’t sound like much, but those baby steps help me get those wins that were essential to my mindset–I can do it! I can be consistent! I can enjoy food, but I don’t have to live for food. It’s there to help me live.

Through being consistent and taking those small baby steps, upping them slowing as I went, I lost over 35 pounds in 8 months. And, I’ve been able to maintain my weight for over 6 months while gaining more muscle. 

I couldn’t have done it without these small, simple goals. It really is all about the consistency.

Now this post isn't just about losing weight. It's about helping you creating the life you want to live. 

Now it's your turn. I want you to start creating some goals - baby steps - for each of your life accounts.

Next post I’ll give you some tips hone your goals and to help you achieve your goals consistently.



What’s one baby step you can start today that will bring you closer to your big picture/your priorities in life?



Video: Michael Hyatt - Goal Setting for Beginners

Book: 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt (affiliate link)

Lose It App for IOS (FYI - I just use the free version)

Lose it App for Android