The Busy Woman's Stress-Free Guide To Getting It All Done - Step One - Setting Priorities

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It’s a New Year–New You, right? It’s that time of year again where people are making resolutions and thinking about change. That time year when you’re squeezing more into your day than is humanly possible, right?

How do we possibly get it all done? There’s so much in life that demands our attention. It pulls us in all directions as once. So, how can we get it all done when you feel like your drowning?

You get it all done by not getting it all done. 

No really. You get it all done by not getting it all done.

Let me explain – no let me sum up. Life is busy. There are so many good opportunities out there. Parties you can attend, kids sports (year round), work events, etc, etc, etc. The key word here though is they’re good opportunities. But, we want a great life right?

What we need to do is find those great things in life worth pursuing. Those things that will move us closer to our goals, our life’s mission, our purpose.

We’re talking about prioritizing your life.

The goal here is to eliminate or minimize activities and task that just aren’t that important in the larger scheme of things.

How can I prioritize when everything things seems most important?

You need to compare what you need to do with a blueprint. 

Your mission or purpose in life is your blueprint.

It shows you what your ultimate goal is–what success for you actually looks like for you. Without one you’ll be drifting through life, letting life happen to you instead of living life.

This was me until recently. I wanted to do “big” things for God, but never had a plan on what “big” looked like. I was just wandering through life, thinking someday. But, I wasn’t really clear on what “big” was supposed to look like. Where does my piece of the puzzle fit into the larger picture? I couldn't answer that.

Proverbs 29:18a KJV
Where there is no vision, the people perish:

I needed clarity. I needed a Life Plan. And, so you do if you want clarity on your purpose.

Create a Life Plan

This will help you establish what your priorities are–what’s most important to you and where you want to go in life. Then you can base everything you do off your priorities.

To get started, sit down and ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What do you want your life to look like?

  2. If you were to die today, what would you regret not having accomplished?

  3. Who do you want to become in these areas:

    1. Spiritual

    2. Emotional

    3. Financial

    4. Marital (If you’re married or want to be some day)

    5. Parental

    6. Intellectual

    7. Social

    8. Vocational (your career)

    9. Avocational (out side of work, like hobbies)

    10. Physical (or health)

This Life Plan is going to give you the big picture for your life that all your goals, opportunities and decisions can be based off of.

If you want to go through a more thorough process, please check out Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy.

This book will help you design a life with the end in mind and give you practical ways to get there.

Now that you have your life plan, you need to create the steps to get there.

Next post, we’ll go into your next step – Creating Goals. These are the steps that will help you get to where you want to go.


What’s one thing that you want to accomplish in your life-time? Let us know below.

For me, I want to help others uncover who they are created to be by showing them how much our Heavenly Father loves them and what the finish work of Christ means for them in their daily lives. Through this, it will help woman live a life of Love, Joy and Legacy.


Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy. (affiliate link)

How to Create a Life Plan podcast by Michael Hyatt