Podcast Episode 090 - Set SMARTER goals to reach your dreams

090 - Set SMARTER goals to reach your dreams

Do you struggle to make goals?

Have you ever put goals in a drawer and forgotten about them until the next year?

Have you made goals that you quit halfway through because you got overloaded or bored with them?

  • Today is for you if you want to fulfill your dreams but aren’t sure of the steps to get there.

  • I’m also going to be talking to you if you need a framework to help you make your goals more effective.

  • I’m especially talking to you today if, like me, you’ve made goals and never did anything with them.

Here is a framework to make sure you have goals you can truly run with. This SMARTER Goal Framework is from Michael Hyatt.


Specifically, identify the goal, so it's clear what you're trying to achieve.

 i.e., Write a book, start a podcast, declutter my home, etc.


Quantify your results so you can be sure you're on track. 

i.e., Write a book three days per week for 30 minutes. 


Start with an action verb instead of a "to be" verb. i.e., run, drink, quit, finish instead of am, be, have.


Risky goals should stretch and challenge you but shouldn't be unrealistic. Set yourself up for success instead of failure.

i.e., Declutter my home in a day sets me up for failure. Decluttering a room in a day is risky.


Put a specific time frame with each commitment. 

i.e., four times per week, daily, monthly, etc.


The commitment must inspire you, or you're not likely to follow through. Your reason for this goal is what helps you get through the messy middle.


Your commitments will look different for different seasons of your life. 

i.e., a mom with young kids will have less discretionary time than someone who's an empty nester, doesn't have kids or is single. 

Once you create your goals, follow these steps to get those goals done:

1. Write down your goals somewhere you can see them regularly

If they're shoved in a drawer, you'll forget about them.

2. Chunk down your goals into doable steps

Break down your goals into daily small baby steps. Each day do one small thing that moves you towards your goal.

3. Review your goals daily or weekly

Out of sight, out of mind.

See where you're at with your goal—Prep the next week with those small doable steps.

You're moving towards your God-given purpose when you take those doable daily steps.

Always give yourself grace. Fall down one day or two weeks? Pick yourself back up and keep moving forward.

You got this! 

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!


Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals by Michael Hyatt

This gives you the goal framework.

All It Takes Is A Goal podcast - by Jon Acuff

Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff

Get this one if you struggle to get to the goal finish line!!