Podcast Episode 161 - Identity Upgrade pt 1 - Who are you really?


Podcast Episode 161 - Identity Upgrade pt 1 - Who are you really?


Who are you really?

What do you believe about yourself? Good, bad, ugly? Or mix?

Do you believe good things about yourself but feel like there’s another level you want to get to?

Are you fully living the life God planned for you to live yet?

We’re starting a new series on identity. We’ll unpack what we believe about ourselves and how we can upgrade that image. 

Today is for you if...

  • If you struggle to believe the best about yourself.

  • If you need an identity upgrade.

  • If you’re ready to shed the beliefs holding you back in life. 

Why identity?

Identity is what shapes your life.

If you want to change your life, you must change or upgrade your identity. 

We must upgrade our identity if we want to stop hiding, show up fully, and fulfill our God-given purpose.

What is identity?

Our identity is made up of our beliefs about ourselves.

Our beliefs are a feeling of absolute certainty of what something means.

That can be good or not good depending on our beliefs.

I’ve shared with you my belief that I struggle with is “my voice doesn’t matter.” That belief changes how I show up and what I think I can and should do.

I attached the meaning that no one really wants to hear what I have to say. I’m invisible. 

What happens when I think, “Oh, that’s good, I should share that on social media!”?

Yep, “who would want to hear that?” So I don’t share it.

But is the belief my voice doesn’t matter the truth?

If I want to change my life, I must upgrade my identity.

So, how about you? “Who do you believe you are?”

Answer the question, “who am I?”

Write down everything that comes to mind.

  • How you see yourself.

  • What you're capable of.

  • What you say to yourself.

“Beliefs create and beliefs destroy.” – Tony Robbins.

We get to choose what we believe about ourselves.

Let me ask you another question…

What is life?

Take a moment and answer that.

Is it a battle? A test? A crap shoot?

If we believe life is a battle, we’ll approach life and the people we encounter like we’re at war or it’s a constant struggle.

The same is true if we believe life is a test; we’ll think life is a pass-and-fail or like we’re being judged. We’ll most likely be afraid to fail because then we’re failing life.

But what if we believe life is a dance, a gift, or sacred?

Take a moment and answer, “what lens you would see life if it was a gift?”

We’ll live our lives as if it’s special, it matters, beautiful, and meant to be given away.

Our identity works the same way. 

Your words shape your belief about yourself. 

What you believe about yourself shapes what you think you’re capable of.

You’re capable of so much more, but you won’t believe that if you believe your dumb, slow or not enough.


Take some time and write down what you want to believe about yourself.

Who do you want to be?

You don’t have to believe it right now. We’ll keep working on upgrading ourselves throughout this series, but for now, get a picture of who you do want to become.

Also, if you didn’t get a chance while listening to the podcast, start by answering the question,

“Who am I?”

If you’re up for it, I would love you to email me the answers to “who are you” and “who do you want to be?” hello@heatherbunch.com

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!