Podcast Episode 175 - Personal Growth - Power of Habits


Podcast Episode 175 - Personal Growth - Power of Habits


Do you ever struggle with making or keeping good habits?

Do you want to make a difference?

Do you consistently live the life that will move you toward your dreams?

Today is the key to automatically creating the life you want.

Today is for you if…

  • If you want to live your dreams, but it seems like you can’t for some unknown reason.

  • If you desire to create a better life on a daily basis, yet old habits seem to get in the way.

  • If you’re ready to shed what’s holding you back and exchange it for something that will serve you and your dreams.

“Your beliefs become

Your thoughts.

Your thoughts become

Your words.

Your words become

Your actions.

Your actions become

Your habits.

Your habits become

Your values.

Your values become

Your destiny.”

–Mahatma Gandhi

Do an action long enough, and it becomes a habit.

Habits are acquired behavior patterns regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

Habit can be:

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

Your life is made up of habits.

Habits will make or break us. Serve us or hold us back.

Decide On a New Habit

What habits do you need to create that bring you closer to your destiny?

What habit will help you become the person you need to be to get you closer to your destiny or enjoy the journey more?

I personally want to read more. So I’m creating a habit to read 3 pages before bedtime.

Decide On an Old Habit to Eliminate

What habits do you need to eliminate that are holding you back or hurting you?

I deleted a game on my phone that I had won over 4000 levels. It wasn’t bad for me, but it was sucking my time.

Know Your Why

Make sure it means something to you.

Your why keeps you going when it gets tough, and you want to quit.

Replace an Old Habit With a New Habit

Law of exchange. Swap out that negative habit for a good habit.

Be Consistent

The turtle wins the race.

Small steps make a big difference over time.

Never Give Up

Miss a day, pick yourself up and keep going.

You’re not starting over. The progress you’ve made is still encoded in you.

Give yourself compassion

Don’t give up, but most importantly, don’t beat yourself up when you mess up.

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to creating good habits, taking action and changing our beliefs, thoughts and words. If you’ve been making excuses for years, isn’t it time you live fearlessly free? Get my three habits to live fearlessly free and jumpstart your courageous life today.

Thanks a bunch for listening!

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!


*Atomic Habits:An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear: https://amzn.to/3IxByCz

My favorite book I’ve read on habits…so powerful!!

*This is an affiliate link. I will receive a small commission from Amazon if you purchase this book.