Podcast Episode 186 - How to Live a Happy Life in a Not-So-Happy World pt 1


Podcast Episode 186 - How to Live a Happy Life in a Not-So-Happy World pt 1


Have you ever felt like a heavy cloud was following you? Think Eeyore.

Do you think happiness is a fleeting specter, floating in and out of your life, but you can't count on it?

Do you try to be happy, but the weight of the world or responsibilities squishes your happiness out of you?

We're starting a new series on Happiness–How to live a happy life in a not-so-happy world. 

Today is for you if…

  • If you could use a little or a lot more happiness in your life.

  • If you desire not just to live a life of significance, you want to enjoy your life more.

  • If you're ready to experience life as it's meant to be instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

What is happiness? Do you call it joy or happiness or good life, the best life?

I believe true happiness isn't always based on your circumstances. But don't discount your happy circumstances either.

I remember when I first went full-time in my business and shared with my husband that I was not feeling successful and wasn't really happy. He asked what would make you happy. I declared a paying client.  Well, a few weeks later, I had a paying client, and you know what…it didn't make me feel happier. I didn't really understand what made me happy in that area of my life.

To be clear, I'm not talking about toxic positivity where you can't face up to the challenges of life or just cover over them like slapping a coat of paint on a rusty car.

We're talking about real happiness, enjoying and living your best life.

The Harvard Study of Adult Development started a study in 1938. They followed the same individuals and family, some of which are still alive and in the 90s and even 100s, to see what makes a good life. What really makes people happy? They're now in the second generation to study the effect of childhood experience on midlife health. 

They came up with two kinds of happiness or well-being. I'm going to put their fancy terms in everyday language, though.

Two kinds of happiness:

1. I'm having fun right now

  • Happiness in the short term. 

  • Moment-to-moment happiness.

2. I'm living a meaningful life

  • Happiness in the long term.

  • You're giving yourself to something greater than yourself.

Happiness creates a more meaningful and satisfying life. However, happiness is in the eye of the beholder.

What does happiness look like to you?

I feel like my happiness is a mix of both. My happy place is Disney World, yet investing in others' lives brings me deep joy and satisfaction. I've also learned that I'm happiest when I'm moving forward. I'm working towards my goals even if I haven't achieved them. It's both kinds of happiness for me.

And both short-term and long-term happiness comes down to relationships. It's not just the stuff I do that makes me happy but who I do it with or impact.

This happy, best life is different for everyone. What’s it look like to you?


So what does happiness look like to you? Define it for yourself.

  • What do you enjoy right now?

  • What or who makes your life meaningful in the long term?

It's the last week to sign up for the Your Fearless Journey virtual workshop Saturday, March 11, 2023, from 9 am - 12 pm CT.

Registration is only $47.

So If you're ready to learn tools to help you live your best life, go to yfjpodcast.com to register.

Thanks a bunch for listening!

You got this, and Father's got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!