Two Quick Ways To Get Your Joy Back
/So, I’ve been rockin’ the Christmas music, loading my play list with some new songs. I’ve been looking for oldies done in fun, new ways–you know remixes.
It made me stop and think. My life can sometimes feel a bit stale. Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever feel like you’ve been in the grind a bit too long that you've lost your joy most days?
The Bible actually has something to say about that.
Isaiah 43:19 NLT
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Even God likes to keep it fresh.
So, how can we do a remix to freshen up our stale lives and experience fresh joy?
I think one of the quickest ways to freshen life up is:
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Remix Your Thoughts
Did you know your thoughts are one of the most powerful and valuable possessions you have?
Animals aren’t given this power. They work off of instinct that’s been pre-programmed into them. But not us.
God’s given us the ability to design our own thoughts. He’s also given us the power to change our thought–and there-by change our lives.
What we think on will eventually come out in our actions. For example, if you’re thinking negative thoughts about your spouse, it will show in how you treat them.
We possess the power to shape our lives by our thoughts.
That’s some serious power! So what are you thinking on?
Christmas is coming? What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it, “Ugh, I have too much to do!” “Our budget is already stressed out to the max!”? Or, maybe, “I hate this time of year because it reminds me of the pain of (fill in the blank).”
Whatever the negative thoughts or painful memories, you can remix them to become thoughts that will energize you and bring a fresh joy into your life.
1. List 5 things I’m thankful for right now.
One of the quickest ways to remix your thoughts when you’re in a funk is to list 5 things your thankful for right now. It can be anything, but be specific.
We do this exercise with our son on a routine basis. In fact, I had to walk him through this exercise just this morning when I told him he had to stop playing and take a shower. By the time we got to the fifth thing he was thankful for he was back to normal (although sometimes it takes until the 10th thing for joy to kick in).
He remixed his thoughts using thankfulness and changed his entire mood that morning. And, because he changed his morning, he changed his day. Change enough days and he’ll change the course of his life.
2. Re-evaluate Your Focus
Another way to remix your thoughts is to re-evaluate what you’re focused on. Are you focused on the good you’re experiencing in your life or are you focused on the challenges?
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
If you’re focused on the challenges, all you’ll see are the challenges. But, who wants to only live with the challenges of life? Want a way to remix that?
Romans 8:28 NIV
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
God didn’t cause that bad thing to happen to you, but with his help, He can turn it around into something good or make some good come from it.
Ask your self this: “What possible positive thing could happen from this challenge?”
One positive thing that could happen is you can help others through similar challenges.
I told you in a previous post that I lost two babies through miscarriages. (Click here to read: The day I heard, “I can’t find a heartbeat.”) Now, I don’t believe that was God’s best, but I do know that as I gave Him my hurt and pain, He helped me turn that around for good.
I’ve been able to help many ladies, who have gone through similar things, walk through the healing process.
I’ve also been a great inspiration to others who are believing God for children. Because, even though I had medical issues making it difficult to have children, I now have three, beautiful, healthy children.
That’s just one positive thing that came out of those challenges–I’ve been able to help others that I wouldn’t have other wise been able to help.
By asking yourself, “What possible positive thing could happen from this challenge?” and listing 5 things you’re thankful for, you’re remixing your thoughts to experience joy on a daily basis rather than letting circumstances dictate when you can experience joy and when you can’t, and you’re positioning yourself to make an impact on others.
How about you? What are 5 things your thankful for? List it out right now.
Or, if you’re experiencing a challenge, “what possible, positive thing could happen from this challenge?”