Podcast Episode 094 - The top two ways to remove upper limiting beliefs so you can go to the next level

094 - The top two ways to remove upper limiting beliefs so you can go to the next level

Are you experiencing invisible blocks stopping you from your dreams?

What do you do?

How do you remove these upper limiting beliefs holding you back?

Today is for you if you're ready to experience more of the life you're meant to live.

I'm also talking to you if you're tired of being stuck.

If you're willing to do what's necessary to remove the upper limiting beliefs, this is your day!

God's called us to live in our Zone of Genius, where we're using our unique gifts to serve at the highest level. When we live and work out of our Zone of Genius, we receive the highest level of abundance and satisfaction in our lives.

When we step into our Zone of Genius, we experience upper limiting beliefs. These beliefs limit the level we can go to. They stop us from being who all God's called us to do and be.

Here's a quick refresher on the four common upper-limiting beliefs:

  1. Fear you're fundamentally flawed

  2. Fear success will cause you to be disloyal or leave people behind

  3. Fear that greater success brings bigger burdens

  4. Fear of outshining others

First, we need to shine a light on the upper limiting beliefs so we can see them for what they are–beliefs limiting us from being our best selves and living in our Zone of Genius.

Once we shine a light on the upper limiting beliefs, we need to be willing to change that.

  1. Willing to want different

  2. Willing to think different

  3. Willing to feel different

  4. Willing to do different

Check out episodes 91 - 93 to check up if you missed it.

Once we're willing to remove the upper limiting beliefs, how do we do it?

1. Need to know WHOSE we are

We must discover how fully loved we are by our Heavenly Father.

We love because He first loved us.

The disciple John especially understood this love. He called himself "the disciple who Jesus loved."

2. Need to know WHO we are

We need to know our true identity. Not what we show people on the outside, but who Father says we are in Christ.

Ephesians shares all about how IN-CHRIST we are

Check out episode 24 to dive deeper into your in-Christ-ness.

When you understand WHOSE, and WHO you are, it allows you to combat the lies- the upper limiting beliefs holding you back from your God-given purpose.

Continue to renew your mind to the truth that God says about you.

In episode 40, I give you a 5-step process to renew your mind.

If this series on the Zone of Genius and upper limiting beliefs have been helping you and you know someone it could benefit from, please share it with them.

You got this, my friend!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!