Podcast Episode 154 - How to Shift Your Belief in Yourself Five Sentences at a Time


Podcast Episode 154 - How to Shift Your Belief in Yourself Five Sentences at a Time


Do you get down on yourself when you make a mistake?

Can you celebrate yourself when you win?

What would it take to make you happy with yourself?

Almost all of us have struggled with believing in ourselves and our abilities at some point. So today, I want to share how you can shift your belief in yourself, five sentences at a time.

So, today is for you if…

  • If you can celebrate others and struggle to do the same for you.

  • If you’re tired of being unhappy with yourself.

  • If you’re ready to believe in yourself – maybe for the first time.

“What would it take to make you happy?”

That’s what my husband Bob told me after I was down on myself…again.

I had gone full-time with my coaching, speaking and writing business the year before, and while I worked hard each day to make progress, I wasn’t where I wanted to be.

“What would it take to make me happy?” “I want a paying curriculum client. That will make me feel like I’m making progress.”

A few weeks later, a potential client I’d given a proposal to months early contacted me and said she was ready to get started! Woohoo! 

Think I was happy? 

Nope…I still felt like I wasn’t doing enough.

What?! I just got the very thing I said I want to be happy, and it didn’t make a dent!

My issue wasn’t the outward “get a client.” I didn’t believe I was doing enough, so I couldn’t be happy with myself.

Fast-forward to today. I ran into an issue with our cell bill and had to call to get everything worked out. 

After that issue was over, I realized how much I’d grown. Generally, in a situation involving money, I panic, get frazzled and usually cry. 

I worked through it this time and made the calls I needed to without panicking.

Why do I mention my cell bill? 

I was celebrating my progress!! Not panicking over money issues was a serious win for me!

We’re not where we want to be, but we’re not where we started. 

Celebrate progress!

One of the best ways I know to learn to do that is with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.

Acknowledgments are sentences you write out, acknowledging yourself for your forward movement…ANY forward movement.

It’s celebrating our wins!

Will Acknowledgements shift your belief in yourself overnight?


But each day you acknowledge yourself for forward movement, aka celebrate yourself, it will compound and make a massive difference over time. 

It’s like compound interest. It’s tiny at first, but overtime is a powerful force.

Here’s what else Acknowledgements will do for you:

1. You’re practicing celebrating your wins.

It’s easy to celebrate someone else, but we must practice celebrating ourselves.

It’ll get easier over time.

2. When you notice wins, you see more wins.

You put your RAS - reticular activating system to work for you. You’re telling your brain your wins are important to you, and you’ll start seeing more.

You’re seeing all the mistakes right now because that’s probably what you’ve been focusing on for years. I know I was.

For more on the RAS, click here to check out episode 21 of Your Fearless Journey with Becky, Kat and Heather. It’s a weekly podcast I co-host with my accountability partners and good buddies, Becky Michel and Kat Schudel. 

3. It shifts your belief in yourself over time.

You’ll shift from “I can’t” to “I can”…overtime.

Compound interest, baby! 

Here are the Guidelines for Create Acknowledgements:

  1. Write at least five a day. (Miss a day, just pick it back up the next day–no condemnation.)

  2. It must be positive.

  3. Celebrate any forward movement, no matter how small.

  4. Structure your sentence like this: I acknowledge myself for…

  5. Be specific

  6. Acknowledge forward movement in both your personal and professional life.

Here are a couple of Acknowledgement examples:

Personal Life: 

I acknowledge myself for walking today for 5 minutes. 

I acknowledge myself for asking forgiveness when I blew up at my spouse.

Professional Life: 

I acknowledge myself for breaking down my task list into smaller steps. 

I acknowledged myself for attending that networking meeting even though I was terrified. 

Enjoy and celebrate you! As you do, you’ll begin shifting your belief in yourself.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!


Courageous Club is a 12-month coaching membership where you can learn (and practice) to stop hiding, show up fully yourself and fulfill your God-given purpose. Check out all the details at Courageous.club.

Learn more about the RAS in this podcast:

Your Fearless Journey with Becky, Kat and Heather episode 21 - It’s all about the RAS – That thing in your head that helps you get what you really want: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4YTEzcvyTUBjjjfQffuCdU?si=ac8a86e999854886

*The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy: https://amzn.to/3ksLROS

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