Podcast Episode 143 - Overcoming Fear pt 3 - Develop your discipline

Podcast Episode 143 - Overcoming Fear pt 3 - Develop your discipline

When you try and achieve your dreams or goals, do you get stuck in a fear or anxiety spiral?

Do you feel like others are against you or your dreams? You can't do what you're called to because nobody believes in you.

Do you question your purpose with "Can I really do this?"

It’s part 3 of overcoming fear!! Today we’re learning how to discipline our mindset so we can keep our imagination working for us instead of reverting to its old way.

Today is for you if:

  • If you're not sure how to escape those fear spirals.

  • If you want to believe the best and not the worst about yourself and your purpose. 

  • If you're ready to live an abundant life, God's calling you too…and I'm not just talking financially but emotionally, relationally and mentally too!

When I think about discipline, I can get discouraged because I never was that disciplined person. I love chilling. It takes a lot to get me going, and when I'm done, I'm done.

Summing up, the Second Law of Thermodynamics says everything goes from a state of order to disorder.

Think cleaning your house or decluttering. It's clean one minute, and the next month, week or next day, it's back to the way it was.

I'm a pile person, piles of books, piles of sticky notes, piles of notebooks…so that law is continually in place. I put my piles away and turn around, and there they are again.

We must discipline our mindset, or we'll go right back to the messy mind we had before.

Discipline means to train.

We are training our mindset to serve us and keep it out of that messy state.

This helps our imagination keep working for us instead of reverting to working against us.

Here are three ways to discipline your mindset:

1. Create habits that support your mindset

It's any habit that keeps your mind in a state of order instead of reverting to a state of disorder…again.

  • Gratitudes - anything you're thankful for that's outside of yourself. 

  • Acknowledgments - acknowledging yourself for any forward movement.

  • Meditation - trains your brain to focus and quiet it. You also slow down enough the hear God.

  • Journaling - one thing journaling does is support you by getting all the crap out of your mind and onto paper.

  • Etc.

Don't try everything at once…try one thing this week. Get consistent, and add more to create habits that support your imagination.

We need to support our thoughts so we can become and do who God's called us to do and be.

2. Watch Your Inputs

We're like sponges. We soak up all the inputs around us. That can be good or bad depending on what we're watching, reading, scrolling through or who we're hanging out with.

"We become like what we think about most."

– Earl Nightingale

Everything we do, see or hear are inputs feeding our imaginations.

Feed yourself the inputs that will support your imagination to work for you instead of against you.

3. Choose Life

Just because a thought comes doesn't mean you have to keep it.

Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life…

We Think > We Feel > We Choose

– Dr. Caroline Leaf

Our thoughts are a direct link to the choices we make.

We must continually examine our thoughts to ensure they will lead us to make choices…most of the time. 

Ask Yourself:

  • Is this thought true?

  • Is this thought helpful?

  • Is this thought kind (to me)?

Discipline your thought life so you can make the right choices…choices that bring you life!

Now I want to ask you:

Do you have a dream in your heart, but fear holds you back?

Do you want to live a life of significance, yet you’re afraid to step into it?

Do you set goals and never get out of the starting gate? Or do you start but never finish?

Are you a professional hider? You know you’re meant for more but are too scared to show up to the show.

Are you afraid to show up fully yourself because you fear rejection?

When you hear the parable of the talents, does your heart ache knowing you’re the one burying your talent in the ground?

If you said yes to any of those questions, that’s a problem, right?!

It’s even worse than it seems because…

What if you never overcome the fear holding you back?

What if your message never gets out there?

Who will miss out?

Whose life will not be changed?

I get you…I was a bird in a cage with the door open but was too afraid to fly out…for decades.

When I finally got this final lesson that God taught me in the Live Fearlessly Free system, I could get my imagination working for me and fly out of the cage into my bigger, brighter future.

You have a call and a purpose. But if fear is still stopping you…

That’s why I’ve created something special just for you… it's called the Courageous Club. 

In this and the next few podcast episodes, I'll share what the Courageous Club is and see if it's that missing piece you need to finally stop hiding, show up fully yourself and fulfill your God-given purpose.

In the meantime, ask yourself, "am I ready to fly out of my cage?"

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!


For help with journaling and meditation, check out Jackie's fantastic awesomeness by clicking here.