Podcast Episode 196 - Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life – How to Do Something New
Have you ever been trying to live your life of purpose, and there are obstacles in your way? You don't have enough money, you don't know what the next steps are, etc.
Are you the kind of person that likes change? Or you’re like me, and you struggle to change?
Are you afraid of making a mistake? Going to do it wrong, you're gonna fail?
I'm excited because today, we’re going to give you five tips to live your divine life.
The divine life is where you're not hiding anything. Really showing up fully yourself. In all your beautiful quirkiness with your gifts and your talents. And then you're fulfilling your God-given purpose you're using those gifts and talents. To make this world a better place.
Today, I have a special guest with me, and we're going to be talking about overcoming obstacles.
Here’s an abbreviated (edited) version of our interview:
Heather: So, if you would please welcome Grace Bunch. Thank you so much for coming.
Grace: Hi, I’m Grace. I do gymnastics, and I never give up.
Heather; That's true. So Grace is on the podcast because she is such a beautiful example of trying something new and not giving up.
Grace wanted to learn gymnastics. Anytime you do something new or want to do something, you want to step out usually, you've got some obstacles in a way sometimes, it's money. Sometimes it's time. Sometimes it's because you don't believe enough in yourself.
Grace comes to me, and she's like, Mom, I want to take gymnastics. I want to know how to do the splits. I'm like, sweetheart, gymnastics is not in our budget.
Heather: So Grace, when you couldn't go to gymnastics class, but you really wanted to learn gymnastics. What did you do?
Grace: I got on YouTube to be searched for how you stretch to get flexible. If you're a beginner, then there’s modification.
Heather: Hey, how old are you, Grace
Grace: Seven.
Heather: What else have you learned Grace besides doing the splits?
Grace: I learned how to do a handstand and learn how to do a split handstand and I learned how to do a perfect straight cartwheel. I learned how to do it back bend. I learnt how to stand up from a back bend.
Heather: She literally can do a backbend and then pull herself back up using her core muscles. It's very impressive actually. So she's seven years old. She she doesn't have the resources that some other kid might have to go to class to go to gymnastics to get somebody else to teach her she really wants to learn. And so she comes up with an idea all on her own. I'm gonna go to YouTube. I'm gonna look up some videos. I'm gonna practice
She's continually learning and continually practicing so that she can figure this thing out.
Heather: And how many times do we sit there and we're like, “Well, I don't have the money to do it.” Or, you know, “I don't know how to do that.” “I can't pay a coach,” and we just give up. But, like Grace, you can figure it out. You can get it on YouTube. You can find someone that knows how to do it.
The other thing is Grace is consistent.
She finds the time every day. Before bed, at least 15 to 20 minutes to stretch. She's continually stretching throughout the day. I see her practicing. She's doing cartwheels she's doing her backbend. She's working on it. And she is getting better and better and better. She's coming up with different ways to try and make ways to try.
That's what we do. That's how we overcome obstacles when we’re trying something new.
If you're gonna live your divine life, you got to do something new; you got to try something new.
Grace demonstrates her cartwheel and backbend
Heather: Grace, is it scary sometimes to try something new?
Grace: It’s up to you.
Heather: Oh, that's a really good answer. So it's up to us whether it's going to be scary or not. Wow, that's profound, friend.
So we get to choose. We're going to be scared about doing something new or not. So it's perspective. Are we going to choose to look at it?
Heather: Grace, what do you do when you fail?
Grace: If you can't quite get it, don't give up. I just keep you, just keep trying.
Heather: Don't give up. And sometimes you have to try something different.
Grace, is there anything else you want to tell us about trying new things you have any advice you can give our friends listening before you go?
Grace: Yes. So don't give up, just keep moving forward and don't even give up. '
Whatever you want to do. If it’s your dream, you have to practice.
Like, let's say you're painting, and you get out the lines Well, you just practice.
That's okay if you make mistakes.
Heather: What do we do when we make mistakes, Grace?
Grace: Keep moving forward.
Heather: So true. Excellent job, friend. Thank you so much for being on the podcast today. I appreciate you another high five. I love you, my friend.
All right. There you have it. That is how you step out into your divine life. Just step out and do something new. Gotta get out of your comfort zone. You got to try something new.
If we do the same thing we've always done, we will always get the same result we will always be living the same life. Gotta try something new.
And I love what Grace said. Because she completely changed my perspective on it because change is hard for me. I have always struggled with change, even good change. It's hard for me. But my gosh–it’s up to me. It doesn't have to be scary.
It's up to me whether I think doing something new is going to be scary or not. '
I want you to think of one thing that you can do that moves you toward your dreams and
Come up with a way to do it. May it’s find a YouTube video on it? Or somebody wrote a blog post on how to do it. Look outside the box;
Don’t look at it the same way you’ve always looked at it before. “I don't have enough money to do it.” “I don't have enough time to do it,” etc. Remove the obstacles.
You can do this if you want to do this. You can find a way.