Podcast Episode 202 - 5 Lessons I Learned From My Cat


Podcast Episode 202 - 5 Lessons I Learned From My Cat


Have you ever encountered a problem because you didn’t stop to think about it before you jumped into something?

Are you struggling to find a solution to a big problem you have?

Would you like to know how to become smarter?

Continuing our series on lessons I learned from my pets. You can find wisdom in the darnedest places. It’s time for 5 Lessons I Learned From My Cat.

Today is for you if…

  • If you desire more wisdom, know how to navigate life’s sticky situations.

  • If you struggle with acting first and then thinking later.

  • If you’re ready to apply what you’re learning so you can enjoy life more.

Today is National respect your cat day. Shout out to my sister-in-law’s cat Sky, aka, Skywalker. We’re a Disney nerd family at its best.

Here are five lessons I learned from my cats:

Look Before You Leap

They say that cats always land on their feet, but if you watch them, they’re looking before they take the leap.

Proverbs 13:16 TLB

 A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn’t and even brags about it!

Proverbs 21:20 TLB

The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.

Save, invest and plan where you can. Think ahead.

This can be financial and also with your day-to-day tasks. Ask for advice from trusted friends, colleagues and mentors.

You’ll avoid so many issues by taking the time to look before you leap.

It’s Okay to Test People to Be Sure They’re Trustworthy

Cats can be suspicious and timid until they know and trust you.

Proverbs 13:20 NIV

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Someone might be nice, but they may not be trustworthy. 

You might also be able to trust them in one area, like keeping their word, but you might not be able to trust their financial or Biblical advice.

Sleep is important

You’ve heard of cat naps. Cats sleep 12 - 16 hours a day. 

During sleep, your body regenerates new cells. It’s supporting you physically and mentally.

Not enough sleep for long periods raises your risk for long-term or chronic health issues. You’re not giving your body enough time to and healing itself. The stress puts your body into fight and flight mode.

Curiosity is Key

Curiosity killed the cat, they say. But really, curiosity is a marvelous thing.

Not all new things are welcome, and change can be challenging. Curiosity can help you turn something difficult into something you can learn from.

Come at anything new with curiosity will open more doors to understanding. 

Keeps your mind open to solutions instead of focusing on the problem.

The best way to be curious is to ask questions. Jesus asked a lot of questions. He even answered a question with a question. 

Play Still Matters

Cats love to play. My cat used to wrestle with my 100-pound lab mix and win. It looked like David and Goliath. We named my cat Goliath because of the funny contrast between a small cat and a huge dog.

Play improves your cognitive well-being. In other words, it makes you smarter and improves your problem-solving skills. You learn how things work and explore new possibilities.

Following these five lessons, we’ll be wiser like our feline friends.

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!