Podcast Episode 189 - How to Live a Happy Life in a Not-So-Happy World pt 4
Are you waiting for happiness to come to you, but it seldom knocks on your door?
Do people ever randomly ask you if you’re okay, and you can’t figure out why they asked that?
Did you know you have more power to experience happiness than you may have realized?
Time for episode 4 of how to live a happy life in a not-so-happy world. As you go about your life, it’s easy to get caught up in all the to-dos and forget to be happy.
Today is for you if…
If you want happiness to knock on your door more often.
If you’re tired of life, feeling like all work and no play makes you a dull girl.
If you’re ready to discover the secret to creating happiness anytime you want to.
Do you like being in control? I do, or really I don’t particularly appreciate being controlled by others.
When it comes to happiness, does it feel like others are more in control of it than you are? Isn’tIsn’t that annoying? Would you like to do something about that?
There’s a secret to happiness; if you can get a hold of it, it will change your mood forever.
You’reYou’re circumstances don’t dictate your happiness–you do.
You dictate your happiness!
It may not feel like it right now, but you have the power to create happiness whenever and where ever you want! Create happiness by using Happy Triggers.
Triggers: sets off an action or response.
You’re purposefully creating a happy response by finding what sets off happiness in your life.
Happy Triggers TRIGGER, a happy response.
Happy Triggers can be any thoughts or actions that make you laugh or smile.
What makes you laugh or smile?
Do your kids do something cute and innocent that makes you smile? Does your dog chase his tail? Were there some shenanigans you and your friend pulled in high school, or last week, that made you laugh?
What can you do that brings you happiness?
Getting together with friends or family? Watching your favorite show? Those YouTube cat videos or the latest memes?
Here are a few of my Happy Tiggers:
Looking at pictures of my kids.
Movie quotes with my husband.
Disney World - I’m a huge Disney World fan. I can’t go to Disney World every day (and yes, I would if I could), but I can visit it on YouTube anytime.
My husband, Bob, and I created a Disney YouTube channel – A Bunch on Disney – to trigger more happiness whenever we want.
My wall of Minnie Mouse ears
2019 Bunch family disney world trip
Figure out 3 to 5 Happy Triggers.
Then write them on a 3x5 card or sticky notes and stitch them where you can see them regularly.
Anytime you need it, whip out a Happy Trigger and create more happiness.
Here are a couple of Triggers to get you started:
Have you ever noticed it’s hard to think about something negative when smiling? Try it.
Thankfulness is one of the quickest ways to experience happiness.
When you wake up, write down five things you’re thankful for, or start a daily gratitude journal.
Here are a few more ideas:
Pull out family photos
Hug or walk the dog
Watch a movie you love that’s fun, romantic or inspires you
Phone or text a friend or go out together if you can
Read an entertaining book
Volunteer at a soup kitchen or your church
Play games
Take a walk in nature - stop and smell the roses
Drive somewhere and make a game out of it. (I have a friend flip a coin, and heads it was left and tails it was right)
Discover your Happy Triggers and trigger them anytime you need to create some happiness.
And hey, we all go through different seasons in life, so what might trigger happiness in this season may not trigger it in another, so feel free to change your happy triggers anytime.
I want to leave you with this quote from an author who brings me happiness:
“First, we make choices and then our choices make us.”
- Andy Andrews, The Seven Decisions
So go choose what triggers your happiness now and trigger it anytime you need for a quick pick me up.