Podcast Episode 210 - Easter Week Part 5 - The Power of Service


Podcast Episode 210 - Easter Week Part 5 - The Power of Service


Have you ever felt like something was missing in your walk with Christ?

Do you feel like you’ve been given so much and want a way to give back the blessings you’ve received?

Would you like to know a trick to the mind of your pain and gain perspective?

It’s Good Friday! Now, all Fridays are pretty awesome, but as a believer, this one is extra special to us. It’s the moment Jesus gave up His life for us. It was the ultimate service to humanity. His death and resurrection changed everything for us. I want to share a way to show your gratitude for His gift.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of feeling stuck in your own circumstances.

  • If you desire to deeply impact those around you and your world.

  • If you’re ready to live a fuller life of significance.

During the Easter season, we’re reminded of the importance of serving others. There is power in serving others. By volunteering our time or donating to a charitable cause, we live out the message of love and grace that’s the heart of the Easter story.

I think of the disciples and how they volunteered for Jesus, which eventually became their full-time job. That small band of outcasts changed the known world, and we still preach the gospel because of what they’ve done. That’s a life of significance, don’t you think?

Here are three ways you can serve others:

1. Volunteer

Find an organization that aligns with your interests and values and donate your time. Volunteering is a great way to give back to others, whether it’s serving meals at a local shelter, cleaning up a park, or working with your church or a nonprofit organization.

It doesn’t have to look one way, either. I’ve volunteered at conferences, cleaned a friend’s house, and just spent time with someone who needed encouragement. You can even get the kids involved.

My husband and I are celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary next weekend and are getting a hotel locally. My kids are staying with my parents. Mom called me and had forgotten they were going to be volunteering at the animal shelter with a team of their church volunteers when they were going to be watching my kids and asked if it was okay for them to come too. When I told my kids, they were super excited to get to help the animals.

2. Practice Small Acts of Kindness

There are many small things you can do every day to help others.

For example, holding the door open for someone, paying for someone’s coffee in line, or offering to help carry someone’s groceries. These small acts of kindness can make someone’s day and spread positivity and kindness.

My kids and I were at Taco Bell a couple of weeks ago and waited forty-five minutes for our food. Many other people were waiting, too, and we heard all the comments. I shifted our kids’ thoughts to think about the poor employees who were clearly working hard but were short-handed.

As we left, my kids called out, “Thank you… I’m giving you five stars! You’re all awesome!” They all replied thank you! I’ll bet none of them heard anything of the sort that day. At that moment, my kids showed a small act of kindness that went a long way in making several people’s day.

3. Donate

Whether donating money to a charity, clothes to a shelter, or supplies to a school, donating is another excellent way to serve others.

I used to have a cash envelope where I put $5 to $10 to give something whenever I felt led to help. I need to start that back up again now that we have a good spending plan.

You can research different organizations that you are passionate about and see how you can make a significant impact.

Serving others can also look like sharing life-giving messages they may need now. So, if this podcast has been life-giving to you, please share it with a friend or two or three.

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Happy Easter!

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!