How To Turn A Bad Day Into A Great Day

How To Turn A Bad Day Into A Great Day

Have you have ever had a bad day?

You know the kind I’m talking about. You wake up in the morning, roll over to face your prince charming and discover he’s turned into a frog…or maybe just his breath has. Next you stumble into the kitchen for that caffeinated elixir of life only to step on a bed of nails, aka your son’s legos...How do you turn a bad day into a great day?

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How To Stop Sabotaging Yourself And Your Happiness

How To Stop Sabotaging Yourself And Your Happiness

What do you say to yourself when you have those moments of frustration?

What do you say to yourself when you're not feeling up to a certain task or your project didn’t go as planned? How about when you burned dinner for your guests or shrunk your favorite sweater? Are you encouraging to yourself? Do you tell yourself, “you’ll get it next time, just shake it off, give yourself some slack, give yourself time to learn?”

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