Podcast Episode 119 - Is faking good or faking bad keeping you from your dreams?

Podcast Episode 119 - Is faking good or faking bad keeping you from your dreams?

Have you ever felt hopeless, and nothing will ever change?

When you look at your weakness, do you think, “It’s not so bad”?

Do your dreams feel like they’ll never happen?

Today we’re talking about the reality distortions that keep us from our dreams.

So, this is your day:

  • If you’re ready to remove the filters and lenses holding you back from your dreams.

  • If you’re ready to take the limits off.

  • If you’re ready to develop to your full potential, holding nothing back.

There are two reality distortions I’m going to share with you today. It’s faking good and faking bad.

I hadn’t heard about these until I was introduced to the Enneagram.

We can have reality distortions that change how we see ourselves and keep us from changing and becoming our best selves. 

Here are two reality distortions holding us back:

Faking Good:

It’s a pattern of defense that protects you from facing your anxiety or weaknesses. 

Faking good looks like, “I’m fine, everything is great; I don’t need to change.”

Faking Bad:

It’s a pattern of hopelessness that avoids having to change. It believes, “I’m bad. Nobody accepts me and nothing will ever change so why bother.”

We’re all a blend of potential and limitations, a blend of strengths and weaknesses. So neither faking good nor faking bad can be true. They are reality distortions.

Reality distortions keep us from seeing ourselves as others see us.

What faking good or bad does is hold us back from the changes we need to make to fulfill our dreams.

So, Ask yourself these questions to see if you’re faking good or bad.

1. Where are you faking good or faking bad in your life?

Are you saying, “I don’t need to change here because it’s all good?” Or, are you feeling hopeless when you think of your dreams, and you can’t change, so why bother?

2. How does faking good or faking bad show up in your life?

Be specific. Get honest about how it shows up. This way, you can start seeing patterns that keep you from changing.

3. Catch yourself in the act

As you become more self-aware, you can catch yourself in the act of faking good or bad.

This is where you can start making shifts.

4. Ask yourself these questions to change:

Is what I think really true?

Is it really hopeless? Am I really ok where I’m at? Is it really fear of changing?

Is that thought pattern helpful?

If it’s holding you back, it’s not helping you it’s hindering you. Change it.

Is it kind to me? 

If it’s holding you back from your dreams, it’s not kind to you. 

Be kind to yourself and start making the changes necessary to become your best self and fulfill your God-given purpose.

If you need more help overcoming the fear so you can fully speak freely, pick up my free resource, Three Habits to Live Fearlessly Free, at https://www.heatherlbunch.com/.

This worksheet will help you overcome the fear so you can fulfill your God-given purpose–courageously!

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a Bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!