Podcast Episode 198 - Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life - Tip Three - Remove the Triggers


Podcast Episode 198 - Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life - Tip Three - Remove the Triggers


Do you always respond to life the way you desire?

What gets your goat?

Is there anyone that pushes your buttons?

As we continue our series Five Tips to Live Your Divine Life, we’re going to taking about triggers; we’re talking about button pushers.

Today is going to be for you if…

  • If you need to discover your triggers.

  • If you desire to eliminate the buttons.

  • If you’re ready to enjoy your divine life the way God intended.

Triggers cause reaction or response. Usually, we’re triggered by circumstances or by people.

My big triggers are my kids fighting or any fighting.

Because my core motivation in life is I just want peace. So when there is arguing and fighting, it stresses me. But if my peace comes from the outside, someone else is responsible for me living my divine life. I’m a victim.

Another thing that pushes my buttons is feeling invisible.

One situation at a previous job was I figured out a way to save the business $23,000 a year in credit card fees. I thought I’d get a raise and huge accolades. They acknowledged me, but not how I thought it would be in my head. At that moment, I felt overlooked.

This is how we get triggered. We have this image of what life should look like and how people should respond. And then, when it doesn’t happen, we’re disappointed. The more significant the gap between our reality and what we envisioned, the bigger the disappointment.

Guess what? Somebody else may be pushing our buttons, but we can remove the button or triggers. We can’t control people. But we can decide whether that’s going to bother us or not.

So I’m going to talk about how to remove the buttons and how to remove triggers.

1. See the trigger.

What triggers you? What are the buttons that your circumstances are pushing and causing you to react or overreact?

One of the best ways to see your triggers is to journal. Look back and think through situations.

  • How did you respond to the situation?

  • How did they respond?

Think through what happened right before it happened. Maybe there’s information that will help.

2. Observe the trigger in real-time.

What patterns do you see? Where’s it come from? What’s really what’s going on?

Once you start observing it in real-time, you’re allowing yourself to pause at that moment. There’s power in the pause.

This is the moment you can make a different choice. It’s the moment we have between the stimulus on the outside and our brain triggering and the reaction.

That’s the thing I need you to see–you have a choice.

The problem is we have been doing these reactions for so long they’re automatic. But you can make a change by practicing the power of that pause.

3. Uncover your trigger’s root issue

Getting angry at my kids for fighting is not the root. My house must be at 100% peace level to be in harmony. That’s the root issue because that means that I’m a victim and will never be able to be at peace. After all, I have zero control over whether everybody else is in harmony.

What’s your root issue?

4. Plan for the Triggers

You need an escape plan, like when you did fire drills in school, and you knew exactly where to go and what to do if a fire happened.

What are you going to do when the situation arises–again?

  • My first plan of action is to breathe. That helps me stop and use the power of the pause before I talk to my kids or whatever the situation is.

  • I use mantras like, “when I engage with conflict, good things happen.”

  • Then I engage with the conflict, but I’m in a better frame of mind to deal with it.

You’ll get better over time and eventually remove that button/trigger.

In the meantime, celebrate your progress to celebrate your progress. You may not be where you want to be, but you’re not where you started.

I want to ask a favor. If this podcast helps you, please share it with a friend or on social media. And together, we can make this world a better place.

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!