Podcast Episode 225 - 10 Sure Fire Ways to Stay Stuck - #10 Don’t Act


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Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels but aren’t getting anywhere you want to with your life?

Have you ever been exhausted at the end of a busy day but aren’t sure what you actually accomplished?

Do you leave a trail a trail of half-baked projects on the side of the road?

It’s time for the #10 surefire way to stay stuck. If you do this one, you’ll never be able to achieve a life of significance.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of saying someday.

  • If you desire to become your best self.

  • If you’re ready to finally launch when you’ve failed to launch in the past.

Holy cow, we’ve discovered nine surefire ways to stay stuck and how to get unstuck so we can succeed in life…

#1 Stop learning and #2 Stay in your comfort zone; #3 Failure isn’t an option; #4 Hang out with negative people going nowhere; #5 Never look at your goals; #6 Take care of everyone else first, #7 Go Solo, #8 Never ask Questions and #9 Reject feedback.

These nine ways keep us stuck, missing out on becoming our best selves and enjoying living the fulfilling life Father’s designed for us. But I know you don’t want to stay stuck; you want more for your life. I know you’re ready to embrace the sure-fire ways to succeed.

Today’s our final surefire way to stay stuck…

#10 Sure-Fire Way to Stay Stuck – Don’t Act

Choosing not to act is a surefire way to stay stuck - it keeps you from advancing your goals and dreams. Having an idea is one thing, but it won’t get you anywhere if you don’t act on it.

When you don’t act, you also miss opportunities to learn and grow.

Not taking action can also lead to missed opportunities. Opportunities often come and go quickly, so you may miss out if you don’t seize them.

In some ways, inaction can be worse than failing, as doing nothing leads to no progress.

Heather’s Achilles heel…inaction. In Enneagram speak, my vice is sloth, self-forgetting or inaction, depending on the Enneagram philosophy. I get busy doing all kinds of stuff, but if I’m not careful, the action isn’t the right action. Aimless action makes me tired, but it leads nowhere closer to my goals and dreams.

Sure-Fire Way to Succeed – Take Right-Action

Growth requires action. Setting achievable goals and taking consistent action towards your goals helps you grow and achieve your full potential.

Yes, taking action is crucial in developing growth areas and promoting personal and professional development.

Here are some reasons why it is essential to take action toward achieving set goals and desires:

1. Create Momentum

Taking action creates momentum towards reaching goals, shifting focus to progress and forward movement. But only if it’s the right action.

Remind yourself constantly where you want to go; go back to the podcast to review goal #220 if you need it. Keep the vision before you and take the right steps to get you there.

2. Build Confidence

Achieving goals promotes self-esteem, belief and confidence. Goals will also ensure you’re taking the right action because you decided on the action ahead of time.

Building the habit of consistent action toward a goal and building successful momentum and momentum also builds confidence.

Trying something new helps you gain valuable experience and knowledge that you can apply to future situations, which, you guessed it…also leads to building your confidence.

3. Accelerates Personal Growth

Regularly taking the right actions toward your goals and dreams helps to expand your skills and knowledge.

It elevates your expertise in specific areas and broadens life experiences. All this expedites your personal growth. And you need personal growth to achieve your dreams.

4. Encourage Learning

Taking the right action consistently, regardless of your initial results, allows you to learn from past experiences, provide feedback on mistakes, and learn from your accomplishments.

5. Boost Resilience

Taking the right action despite uncertainties or failures boosts your resilience.

You improve your emotional intelligence by accepting temporary setbacks and shifting your perspective towards opportunities instead of distress.

Remember, taking consistent right-action is an essential factor in growth and development. Set achievable goals, establish plans, take concrete steps towards progress, and reap the benefits of your greater achievements.

Therefore, persevere, remain consistent, and eventually, success will follow.

Taking the right action, even if it’s imperfect or requires pushing out of your comfort zone, you’ll move forward, learn and grow, and achieve your dreams.

Next, we’re diving into overcoming the fear holding us back. So if you’re regularly overwhelmed with fear or anxiety, this series will be for you.

You got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

I’ll see you right back here on Thursday.

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!