Podcast Episode 241 – What Mulan Taught Me About Showing Up Fully Myself


Podcast Episode 241 – What Mulan Taught Me About Showing Up Fully Mysel


Do you feel like there’s more in you crying to come out?

Have you ever thought, “if I show you fully myself, people will think I’m too much”?

What is it you really want? 

We’re starting a new series today that I’m super stoked about. As a Disney World and Mandalorian nerd, you know I have to go there. We’re going to learn success keys from Disney Princesses. And we’re starting with my very favorite…Mulan.

Today is for you if… 

  • If you’re tired of being afraid to show up as the real you.

  • If you desire to live a life of significance.

  • If you’re ready to stop hiding and be all you can be.

When we meet Mulan, a young woman from China, she’s running late for her appointment with the matchmaker, which she totally blows. 

Her father is called back to the arm to fight the Huns about to attack China. Her father is a famous war hero already but is partially crippled from previous exploits. Mulan tries to convince her father not to go. She’s put in her place and runs off to sing her song. You know, every good Disney princess.

Reflection Song

Every day

It’s as if I play a part

Now I see

If I wear a mask

I can fool the world

But I cannot fool my heart

Who is that girl I see

Staring straight back at me?

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?

I am now

In a world where I

Have to hide my heart

And what I believe in

But somehow

I will show the world

What’s inside my heart

And be loved for who I am

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside?

Mulan had more inside, more potential, but hid herself because she didn’t feel like she fit into the world assigned to her, so she hid herself. 

Then she hides herself and pretends to be her father’s son so she can protect him. 

1. Significance

One of the six human needs.

Significance is the need to feel important, needed, wanted and worthy of love.

It helped push her out of her comfort zone, out of hiding and into her purpose.

What does your life of significance look like?

I felt invisible and insignificant most of my life. Mulan is my princess because, over time, she sang her reflection song, and my heart cried with her knowing I was hiding too. No one saw the real me.

As I’ve learned to push myself out of my comfort zone and into my life of significance, I’m helping other women do the same. My mess has become my message.

2. Contribution

Another of the six human needs.

Contribution is giving beyond ourselves and giving to others.

Mulan risked her own life to save her commander and her group of soldiers but revealed who she was in the process. The commander spared her life but was left out in the cold…literally. 

It isn’t until she shows up fully herself, as Mulan, she saves China.

When we step into our life of significance, we contribute to others’ lives in significant ways. 

What can you do to contribute to others and give beyond yourself?

  • Time?

  • Money?

  • Talents?

3. Love and Connection

Another of the six human needs.

Mulan feared she’d be rejected if her family and others saw the real Mulan. She didn’t fit into the typical ancient Chinese daughter role. 

After Mulan saved China and was honored by the emperor, she returned to show the emperor’s medal and Shan Yu’s sword to honor the Fa family. But really, she was hoping her father would accept her now. What Mulan got was even better…she was reunited with her father. He loved Mulan for her and not for what she accomplished.

We all need love and connection. In fact, if we have a life of significance and fulfill all our dreams but don’t have love, what good is it all? 

1 Corinthians 13 reminds us it’s we’re only a clanging cymbal…It profits us nothing.

This reminds me to show love to my husband, kids, family and friends. 

Take time to show your spouse, family and friends you love them. Show and say it.


  1. What do you want your life of significance to look like?

  2. How can you contribute to others and give yourself away?

  3. What will you do today to show your spouse, family and friends you love them?

When you learn to stop hiding and show up fully yourself, you can change your life, and through that…you save your world that Father’s called you to reach!

Need More Help?

If you’re struggling to discover your life of significance or started on the journey, but fear stopped you in your tracks, consider a coach. Coaches help you see things you may not see so you can get unstuck and get going again. I would love to be that coach for you. I have just a few spots left in my schedule right now. Go to heatherbunch.com/coaching and pick a time that’s right for you. Let’s see if I’m the right fit to help you Live Fearlessly Free!

You’ve got this, and Father’s got you!

Thanks a bunch for listening!

Until Next Time, Live Fearlessly Free!!