Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2

Podcast Episode 184 - What's Really Stopping You pt 2

Are you trying to live a life of purpose, but fear stops you?

What did you do when you backed off from doing that scary thing you knew you needed to do? Do you keep moving forward, do something easier or hide in a corner? 

How do you feel about yourself? Ashamed or like a loser? 

What do you say to yourself? Call yourself names or encourage yourself?

In the last episode, I talked about what’s really stopping you. You discovered your root fear. Because what's stopping us from being all we can be goes so much deeper than the surface issues.

Today is for you if…

  • If you're so over tearing yourself down when fear stops you.

  • If you desperately want to live a life of significance but fear you're not enough.

  • If you're ready to let go of the shame, pain and bad advice, you've been giving yourself for years.

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Podcast Episode 183 - What's Really Stopping You?

Podcast Episode 183 - What's Really Stopping You?

Have you ever tried to do something new but found yourself returning to what you know?

Do you work on being consistent, yet you can only say you’re consistent at being inconsistent?

What’s stopping you?

No, really. What’s stopping you? Let’s get to the root so you can do that in your heart.

Today is for you if…

• If you’re tired of not living the life you know you’re meant for.

• If you desire to keep growing beyond what you’ve thought possible in the past.

• If you’re ready to fly out of your cage into a bigger, brighter future.

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Podcast Episode 182 - Use DSD to get unstuck, become more effective, and create more enjoyment

Podcast Episode 182 - Use DSD to get unstuck, become more effective, and create more enjoyment

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? In life or your work or business?

Are you comfortable where you’re at? Like you stopped pushing yourself to grow or improve?

Is what you’re doing stopped working, but you keep doing it anyway, hoping things will change?

It’s time to use DSD to get unstuck, become more effective, and create more enjoyment in your life. 

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of what you’re doing not working.

  • If you desire more in life but are unsure how to change the results you’re getting now.

  • If you’re ready to push yourself beyond what you’re currently doing to create the life of your dreams.

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Podcast Episode 181 - The Big Key To Getting What You Want In Life

Podcast Episode 181 - The Big Key To Getting What You Want In Life

Do you have a dream in your heart, but it feels like you're moving through molasses to get there?

Ever wished you were more disciplined to do it?

Or do you look around you and think, "everyone is so much further along in life than me?"

We're discussing the key to getting more of what you want in life.

Today is for you if…

  • If you're tired of looking at everyone else's progress or wins and wish you had some of your own.

  • If you desire, become more disciplined to do what you know you need to do.

  • If you're ready for the secret to achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

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Podcast Episode 177 - Personal Growth - Power of Destiny

Podcast Episode 177 - Personal Growth - Power of Destiny

Do you want to live a life of significance?

Are you ready to make a difference?

Do you desire to leave this world better than you found it?

When we started this personal growth series, I shared we must master the skills and gain experience. To do that, you learned six keys to personal growth so you can fulfill your destiny. Today it’s time to talk about your destiny.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of living a mediocre life.

  • If you desire to live a life of service to others in whatever way you’re called to do.

  • If you’re willing to continually invest in yourself growing so you can live this life of significance.

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Podcast Episode 176 - Personal Growth - Power of Values

If you were standing before God, what would you tell Him what’s important to you?

Do you value love, generosity, joy or gratitude? Or maybe it’s hard work, integrity, belonging or community?

Whatever you value, are you living out those values in your everyday life?

Your beliefs are connected to your thoughts, words, actions, and habits. And our habits become or reveal our values and what we stand for. 

Today is for you if…

  • If you want to live the life you say you stand for.

  • If you desire to fulfill your destiny.

  • If you’re ready to do what, it takes your life to the next level.

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Podcast Episode 175 - Personal Growth - Power of Habits

Podcast Episode 175 - Personal Growth - Power of Habits

Do you ever struggle with making or keeping good habits?

Do you want to make a difference?

Do you consistently live the life that will move you toward your dreams?

Today is the key to automatically creating the life you want.

Today is for you if…

  • If you want to live your dreams, but it seems like you can’t for some unknown reason.

  • If you desire to create a better life on a daily basis, yet old habits seem to get in the way.

  • If you’re ready to shed what’s holding you back and exchange it for something that will serve you and your dreams.

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Podcast Episode 174 - Personal Growth - Power of Actions

Podcast Episode 174 - Personal Growth - Power of Actions

Do you have a dream in your heart but going anywhere fast?

Have you been saying, “someday I’ll…” Write a book, change careers, start a family, learn a new skill…but some days never seem to come?

Do you know what to do to make your purpose a reality but freeze up instead of moving forward?

Today is part 4 of our personal growth series. You’ve learned fulfilling your destiny all starts with your beliefs. Your beliefs affect your thoughts, and your thoughts determine your words. Well, your words produce something that moves the ball down the field toward your dreams.  

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of saying “someday” to your dreams.

  • If you need help removing the block holding you back from progress.

  • If you’re ready to take action that will produce the results you desire instead all the stuff you don’t.

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Podcast Episode 173 - Personal Growth - Power of Words

Podcast Episode 173 - Personal Growth - Power of Words

Would you say you’re more positive or negative?

Have you ever automatically called yourself a dummy or idiot after making a mistake?

When you’re in a group of people, and they start complaining, have you ever joined in without even thinking about it?

It’s part 3 of our personal growth series; we’ll unpack the key to personal growth that many people underestimate and miss out on the power it provides.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re sick of feeling bad about yourself.

  • If you desire to enjoy your life more on the way to where you’re going.

  • If you’re ready to break away from the crowd and harness the incredible power, God gave you to change your life.

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Podcast Episode 172 - Personal Growth - Power of Thoughts

Podcast Episode 172 - Personal Growth - Power of Thoughts

What do you think about most often?

Where do your thoughts go when you struggle to believe the best about yourself? Negative or positive?

Are your thoughts serving you or dragging you down?

Welcome to part 2 of the personal growth series. Yesterday we learned the power of our beliefs, and they literally have the power to change our destiny. I gave you the steps to change your beliefs. Next, we’ll learn we have more power than just changing our beliefs. We can change our thoughts too.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of life feeling like a rollercoaster. One minute you’re having fun, and the next, you’re in a crazy corkscrew hollering, “Get me off this crazy thing called life!”

  • If you dream of enjoying your life instead of tolerating it.

  • If you’re ready to discover your power to change your destiny.

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Podcast Episode 171 - Personal Growth - Power of Beliefs

Podcast Episode 171 - Personal Growth - Power of Beliefs

Do you want to live a life of significance?

Do you want to make a difference?

Do you desire to leave this world better than you found it?

If we want to help others, we must master the skills and gain experience. To do that, we must invest in our personal growth. We’ll focus on the keys to personal growth to be our best and help others at a higher level over the next several episodes.

Today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of living a mediocre life.

  • If you desire to live a life of service to others in whatever way you’re called to do.

  • If you’re ready and willing to invest in growing yourself so you can gain the skills necessary to live this life of significance.

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Podcast Episode 169 - Growing Closer to God pt 4 - Rest in Father’s Presence

Podcast Episode 169 - Growing Closer to God pt 4 - Rest in Father’s Presence

Have you ever been afraid to come to God? 

Some days do you want to crawl under a rug and hide from the hurt and pain in your life or the world?

Do you need a place to get refreshed, where your heart feels full?

Today, I’m sharing secret #3, so you can grow closer to God!

So today is for you if.

  • If you’re tired of being tired, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.

  • If you desire to follow God better but aren’t sure how.

  • If you’re ready to feel full and satisfied with your relationship with God and life.

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Podcast Episode 168 - Growing Closer to God pt 3 - Rest in Father’s Grace

Podcast Episode 168 - Growing Closer to God pt 3 - Rest in Father’s Grace

What do you do when you make a mistake? Do you run to God or run away and hide?

Do you see God as the Sovereign in the sky waiting to swat you with His Heavenly flyswatter when you need to learn a lesson?

Do you struggle with feeling shame when you’re in church or praying? Or does that shame keep you from praying?

It’s time for part 3, Growing Closer to God. Yesterday we talked about Father’s love and learning to rest in it, knowing you’re loved for who you are just as you are. Today, I want to share secret #2 to Growing Closer to God.

So today is for you if…

• If you’re tired of carrying around a backpack full of shame.

• If you’re ready to embrace God’s best in your life.

• If you desire to grow closer to God this year than ever.

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Podcast Episode 167 - Growing Closer to God pt 2 - Rest in Father's Love

Podcast Episode 167 - Growing Closer to God pt 2 - Rest in Father's Love

Do you ever struggle to receive love? Or maybe you don't feel lovable?

When you think of God, do you feel like He's waiting to punish you?

Do you run to Him or away from Him when you make a mistake?

It's part 2 of Growing Closer to God. Today, we're learning Secret 1 to grow closer to God. 

So, today is for you if…

  • If you ever feel unloveable.

  • If you struggle to think, you have to earn God's love. 

  • If your heart desires to crawl up in your Heavenly Father's lap, but religion makes you feel like you're not worthy.

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Podcast Episode 166 - Growing Closer to God pt 1 - Discover the Lens You Experience God Through

Podcast Episode 166 - Growing Closer to God pt 1 - Discover the Lens You Experience God Through

Do you do all the Christian things, pray, read Bible, and go to church, yet you don’t feel close to God?

When you approach God, do you feel not enough? Not good enough, haven’t done enough, not holy enough? Not as good as so-and-so?

Or do you feel like you’re too much for God to love you? Too much sin? Too many issues? Too many mistakes? Too much drama?

We’re starting a new series–Growing closer to God. As Christians, that’s our goal, right? But how many of you feel like you’re doing all the things but still feel far from Him most days?

Today is for you if…

  • If you desire a closer relationship with God but aren’t sure how.

  • If you’re tired of trying everything you’re supposed to do as a Christian, but it’s not creating that intimacy with God you desperately crave.

  • If you’re ready to finally enjoy your relationship with God instead of feeling like not enough or too much.

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Podcast Episode 165 - Identity Upgrade pt 5 - Create Your Compelling Future

Podcast Episode 165 - Identity Upgrade pt 5 - Create Your Compelling Future

Who are you? Or better yet, who do you want to be?

Do you dream of more than what you're currently experiencing?

Do you ever fear you'll never reach those dreams?

We're wrapping up our Identity Upgrade series with how to Create Your Compelling Future. 


If you want an extraordinary level of life, then you must upgrade your identity. To make it worth it, you must create a compelling future.

So, today is for you if…

  • If you're tired of settling for less than your God-given purpose.

  • If you desire to experience the life you're meant to live.

  • If you're ready to push yourself to be your best self. 

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Podcast Episode 164 - Identity Upgrade pt 4 - What’s Your Identity's Comfort Zone?

Podcast Episode 164 - Identity Upgrade pt 4 - What’s Your Identity's Comfort Zone?

What do you believe about yourself? 

Are you convinced you’re not enough or are more than enough because Jesus in you is enough?

What do you do when you’re identity is put to the test? Do you fall back to the level of your belief, or do you rise to the challenge?

Did you know your identity has a comfort zone? I learned that one the hard way! I’m going to help you avoid the pain of not knowing that one!

So, today is for you if…

  • If you’re tired of trying to do or be better but always seem to miss the mark.

  • If you’re ready to upgrade your identity so you can raise your identity to meet the challenges of life head-on.

  • If you know you’re missing out on becoming all God’s called you to be.

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Podcast Episode 163 - Identity Upgrade pt 3 - How Your State Affects Your Identity 

Podcast Episode 163 - Identity Upgrade pt 3 - How Your State Affects Your Identity 

Who are you really? Who do you want to be?

Have you ever made a mistake and called yourself names because of it?

What do you do when you do something great? Do you praise or reward yourself?

It’s time for part three of identity upgrade…today, we’re talking bout how our state affects our identity.

So today is for you if…

  • If you call yourself names when you’re down or make a mistake, like I did.

  • If you desire to feel better about yourself.

  • If you’re ready to upgrade your identity and step into more of who you believe you’re called to be.

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Podcast Episode 161 - Identity Upgrade pt 1 - Who are you really?

Podcast Episode 161 - Identity Upgrade pt 1 - Who are you really?

Who are you really?

What do you believe about yourself? Good, bad, ugly? Or mix?

Do you believe good things about yourself but feel like there’s another level you want to get to?

Are you fully living the life God planned for you to live yet?

We’re starting a new series on identity. We’ll unpack what we believe about ourselves and how we can upgrade that image. 

Today is for you if...

  • If you struggle to believe the best about yourself.

  • If you need an identity upgrade.

  • If you’re ready to shed the beliefs holding you back in life. 

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156 - Two Keys to Stop From Giving Up On Yourself When You Make a Mistake

156 - Two Keys to Stop From Giving Up On Yourself When You Make a Mistake

What do you do when you fail? How do you treat yourself?

How do you handle it when you make a mistake? Beat yourself up? Or pick yourself up and keep going?

Do you know how to pull yourself out of the mulligrubs, or do you stay stuck, sinking deeper?

We all make mistakes, but what we do afterward matters. It determines if we pick ourselves up and keep moving forward or if we sink into a downward spiral that makes us feel terrible and holds us back.


Today is for you if…

  • If you need a hand up when you fall.

  • If you’re unsure how to keep the emotional spiral at bay when you make a mistake.

  • If you’re tired of beating yourself up for the same issues.

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